Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hippocrates Circle Field Trip

The Hippocrates Circle puts R.J. Frank students in touch with physicians and medical students who can share ideas on how to work as a medical professional.  Students learn what doctors do in everyday practice, tour a hospital, visit a medical school, and learn a lot about how to succeed and achieve their dreams. Our students also learn ways to pay for a medical education.

Students and Ms. Sher enjoyed a recent field trip to Kaiser Pemanente Medical Center.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Students in Oceanography class explored a kelp holdfast to discover the types of animals that live there.

Giant kelp is not a plant but is an algae that grows rapidly.  Instead of roots it attaches to the seafloor with a structure called the holdfast.  The kelp holdfast is home and hiding place for many invertebrate animals.

 Brittle stars, shrimp, clams, whelks, tube worms, polychaete worms and many more animals were discovered in the kelp holdfast.